I believe we all deserve to feel our best self, settling for anything less than incredible is a disservice to you and those around you
Hayley Morcom

I'm Hayley
I am so honoured and humbled you are here.
It is my wish for every soul to live their most sparkliest, happiest and healthiest self. Every image, page, word, podcast episode and program you’ll find in here is filled with so much love and so much YOU in mind.
Whether you are nourishing your body with beautiful foods, moving your body in a loving way, yearning to live in a healthier home (hello personal wellness haven) or the idea of journaling learning more about the power of our words has spiked your interest, I have plenty of goodness for you.
I am a Certified Health and Nutrition Coach, Writer, Podcaster, absorber of all things wellness and a mother to the most magical little girl. I am also a fitness coach with over 10 year’s industry experience.
I have read hundreds of books, listened to thousands of podcast episodes and jump at the chance for further education to ensure I am well versed in this ever-evolving industry.
You can find me sharing and inspiring wellness advice over on Instagram @hayley_morcom, writing easily digestible blog posts, delivering wellness-packed letters to your inbox, chatting to you in a podcast episode or helping you up level your health creating magic during my health coaching 10-week program.

Wherever you find yourself in your quest for better wellness, just know I hear you, I’m here for you and I’ve got your back.
I haven’t always been on this wellness path
Back in 2006 I was living alone in the rural and isolated Victorian town, Swan Hill. From a young age my heart was set on becoming a Journalist and I literally threw my whole being into furthering my career.
A rare opportunity popped up for a cadet journalist position at the local tri-weekly newspaper there and within a week I had packed all my life’s possessions in my little green Hyundai Excel and jet off two hours down the highway to form a life in a town I had never even been to before, let alone not knowing a single soul. I should mention I had never even lived on my own before. I was a pretty brave 19-year-old.
Living on my own was such a new world and cooking for myself, well, that was interesting.
I quickly learned I literally couldn’t cook to save myself.
I burnt two-minute noodles (yep I don’t know how that’s possible but it is!), either undercooked or burnt-to-a-crisp chicken on a daily basis and had to google how to cook rice.
On the regular, with dinner tossed in the bin and car keys in hand, I would set off to the only McDonalds in town to fill my tummy.
This is where my sugar addiction really kicked in hard too. Some nights I would devour an entire tub of ice cream in one sitting followed up by supermarket packaged chocolate chip cookies (those really big ones).
It wasn’t long before my clothes became tighter, my energy levels plummeted by the day and I felt outright crappy.
Being the regular butt of the family jokes around my inability to cook, I received an ‘I can’t cookbook’ one year for Christmas off my cousin.
It literally explained the simplest cooking practices like the perfect water to rice ratio and how to cook pasta to al dente.
The joke really was on them as this little handbook became my sous-chef for the next couple of years.
Together we learnt to cook more nourishing, sustaining and tasty meals. Not only did my clothes feel more comfortable but I noticed a positive shift in my mood and energy levels.
It was here I discovered my love for health.
I guess you could say the rest is history, but it really has been a lengthy journey to wind up where I am today.
I have tried and failed a million times. I have tested endless health modalities, diets, fads and trends. I have made mistakes and had some pretty eye-opening wins along the way.
Today I feel the most vibrant and vital I have ever felt.
I am forever changing, learning, evolving and adapting my health as I age and progress in life.

I believe there is no one answer, protocol or diet that will last us to our death bed. Being healthy and happy means forever changing, learning and adapting. We weren’t the same person we were yesterday and certainly not the same one last year or the year before.
Experimenting, tuning in, being mindful of what works for you and what doesn’t is key.
As I write this, I choose to follow a gluten-free plant-based lifestyle. I buy quality, organic, fresh and local produce/food where possible. I love discovering new recipes and sharing them with you.
I choose to move my body every day with what feels right for me on the day. I am someone who prioritises time for self-care because I know I run at my best when I do and I am inside a body I am truly proud of.
Thank you for taking time out of your day to learn more about me.