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How To Make 2023 The Best Year Yet!

Dec 30, 2022

It's the start of a fresh new year, full of wonder and magic. 

I LOVE this time of year. I love the feeling of that fire in my belly for the year ahead. The excitement for what's to come, the vision boarding and journaling on my desires and the time and space to drop into what I truly want to attract and manifest into my life. 

Before we jump into all the fun of manifesting a magical 2023, it's just as important to stop and reflect on the year that was. It's at this time as we welcome a new year to look back on the year just gone to take away the learnings, celebrate all your accomplishments and choose the parts you wish to let go of for the year ahead. 

So grab out a journal and pen and reflect on these prompts:

1. Accomplishments I am proud of…

2. I am most grateful for… 

3. Lessons I learned were… 

4. Challenges I overcome were… 

5. I surprised myself most when… 

6. I am ready to let go of… 

Good job. How good does that feel? Now it's time to look ahead to this fresh new exciting year ahead.

How to make 2023 the best year yet!

Follow along with these 7 steps to rock your year ahead and make it one to remember!

1. Hold space for your goals to drop in

Take the pressure off, give it time. Spend time in nature, breathe in the fresh air. Inspiration drops in best when you create space to dream and fantisise your desires.

Use this time to vision board, write, scribble, draw, meditate, exercise and ask yourself 'how do I wish to FEEL this year?"

A few more questions to consider during this time;

1. What do I wish to do differently/less of this year?

2. What are 3-5 key words I wish for the new year? ie. abundance, gratitude, happiness, vitality, positivity etc. 

3. What self care do I wish to do more of this year?

4. What habits do I wish to adopt this year? 

5. What are my intentions for the year ahead?

6. What is my main focus this year? 

7. How do I wish to feel by December 2023? 

8. What challenges do I hope to overcome or heal this year? 

9. What patterns do I need to recode this year? 

10. What boundaries do I need to set more of this year? 


2. Get crystal clear on your goals

Ditch broad goals and get as clear as you possibly can on exactly what it is you want this year. 

Some examples:

  • Get a pay rise/promotion: how much? What job title? What does that entail?
  • Lose weight: How much? Dress size? More muscle tone or less body fat?
  • Get fit and healthy: How are you going to measure that? 20 push ups or chin ups? Run 5km? Ab definition etc.
  • Read more: How many books? Make a list! What type of reader are you? Make it realistic and not overwhelming.
  • Travel more: Where, when? Interstate, local? Long or short weekends away? How many do you want to do?
  • Buy new car/house: What kind of car? What price bracket is the house in? What kind of deposit do you need for that?
  • Do more yoga: How many times per week? For how long? What part of the day?
  • Save money: How much? By when? Is that realistic with your wage or do you need to grab another job on the side?
  • Find your partner/soul mate: What is it exactly you are after? What do they do, how do they treat you/make you feel? How does life look like with them?

Remember to dive into all live areas for your goals; health, career, financial, love/relationships, mindset/self love etc. 


 3. Make your desires personal (internal not external attachment) 

  • Get a revenge body to impress your ex is one thing, but when they don’t give you the reaction you are after or you flick onto Instagram to see a shiny new photo of their new gf…well guess where you’re heading…straight to the sweets cupboard. Or buying a car purely to look cool, or get a job title because it looks ace on your business cards….its all short lived. Once you get it, you’ll eye off the next new model and next job title. You’ll never be pleased or satisfied. There will always be something bigger and better.
  • Instead, focus on the feelings and accomplishments of those goals. How does it feel to be sitting behind that desk with that job, behind the wheel in that car or inside that healthy body.
  • Focus on YOU! Nothing external. When you get there you’ll appreciate it, be satisfied because you are doing it for YOU.


4. Start taking small daily actionable steps 

  • Look at the big picture then work backwards. Look at it in reverse.
  • What is one thing you can do each day to work towards your goal: reach out for help, find a role model and research how they go to their destination. Mimic their lifestyles, habits, approach to life etc. Save 5k: that’s $100 each week, set up a direct debit. One book per month, how many pages is that per day/week? Make some calculations!
  • Make lists. For example to become more low tox or more organised in your home, make a list of each room and tick it off as you go. Mark off yoga, meditation, exercises, the amount of water you set yourself each day. Get pen to paper. Start a habit with a calendar and tick it off along the way.
  • Soul mate: where would they go? Hang out? Mutual interests? Take up a new class, put yourself out there. Go online!
  • Improve a relationship with someone? What do you need to do to release or forgive on your end? What can you do? Plan more dates, work through a niggling reoccurring challenge etc.


 5. Be vocal, tell people about your goals 

  • Make it real. Saying it aloud has power. "I am writing a book..." etc
  • Tell your boss the position you are interested in
  • Talk to your friends and family about your health goals are ask for their support around that
  • Hire a coach and be vulnerable, real and honest about exactly what you want. Ask for help. Do it together.  


6. Make your goals measurable. How will you know when you get there? 

A feeling, a number, a size…How will you know when you get there? Remember make it personal to you. Not what anybody else is doing or what will think. Success looks and feels different for everybody.


7. Celebrate and reflect along the way!

Celebrate the wins along the way. Be grateful for where you are at and what you have right now. Being grateful attracts more to be grateful for. 


Sending all my love and light for a magical 2023!