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How I Heal My Anxiety...

Oct 09, 2022

Every year, about 1 in 5  Australians will experience a mental health condition of some form. And studies are showing the pandemic triggered a 25% increase in anxiety and depression cases worldwide.

As a nation, we are collectively a very anxious bunch. 

I was chatting to my Pharmacist friend the other night about anti-depressant/anxiety medication. She is new to Australia and she said she was astounded at how easily the doctors prescribe it to their patients here and its easily the number 1 selling drug in her pharmacy. She was saying she sees people come in with gradual dosage increases until the point they have to change over the drug to another one as its no longer working.  

The thing is these drugs can play a crucial role in the mental health of those who really need it to handle life day to day. But its not the ONLY solution. It doesn't solve the underlying triggers/issues and doesn't encourage people to improve their health while the drug is playing its part. 

But this is possible. To heal, to do the work, and to be able to come off the medication when it feels right for you.*

I have lived this and I am living and breathing proof that this is possible. 

When I was in my 20s I was on medication for my depression and anxiety. Back then I thought that was the only solution to 'fix me'. 

And I still remember when my anxiety was at is worst around 10 years ago. That knot in my chest was a persistent fixture inside my body 24/7. It flared up even more when I had something coming up in my schedule, even just an appointment would send my thoughts into overdrive. Social gatherings were my arch nemeses. 

I also vividly recall the day I woke up and realised it was nothing more than a dull reminder of the pain my body was soo used to for so long. 

I remember being able to breath deeply and actually feel oxygen energising my body. I remember feeling calm in my mind and in my body. I remember the worry no longer there. And it was euphoric.

I didn't really comprehend its enormity until it was no longer there. 

This was a result of doing alot of work. I dived deep into my healing. I did the inner work required. I surrounded myself with all things personal development. I tidied up my relationship with food. I committed to moving my body daily. I did it all. (And still do).

I was then able to slowly wean off the medication. And I haven't looked back. 

Now these days when I feel that anxiety creeping back in, I check in with a few things in my life and make tweaks or amp up a few self care practices to keep it at bay.

Just like meditation, exercise and any self care or mindfulness practice, its just that. A practice. Nobody is ever cured of anything. Healing is lifelong. 

It's just these days it's much easier to quickly nip it in the bud. 

Here is my tried-and-tested list of the things I do to continually heal and keep my anxiety at bay:

1. Sleep Smart

Notch up 7-8 hours of good quality shut eye each night. Sleep helps maintain healthy cognitive function and without enough of it can increase symptoms of anxiety and depression. Reduce blue light exposure at night, read more about this here.

2. Meditate/Breathe

Meditation or a good breath practice can give you a sense of calm, peace and balance that can benefit both your emotional well-being and your overall health.

4. Move Daily

Walk, run, stretch, take a yoga or pilates class or do anything that works up a sweat! Just move. Daily. Many studies suggest exercise dramatically improves mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood and improves self-esteem and cognitive function. Exercise has also been found to alleviate symptoms such as low self-esteem.

4. Journal/Write

Journaling helps re-write our thoughts into more positive and empowering ones. Repetition and consistency is key here. We have on average 6,000 thought a day! Imagine how many of those are self limiting or negative. If I find myself into a negative spiral of thoughts, the first thing I do is whip out my journal and get writing! 

5. Improve Your Gut Health 

The brain and the gastrointestinal (GI) system are intimately connected. An unhappy gut means an unhappy mind. Eat as organic, chemical free and real as possible. Opt for whole fresh foods as Mother Nature intended. Steer clear of gluten, sugar, alcohol and processed/packet foods. 

6. Hydrate 

Drink plenty of clean filtered water. Our bodies are made up of 75% water so make sure you are getting in enough daily to feel good (in your mind and body). 

7. Live As Low Tox As Possible

Chemicals and toxins we absorb from our foods, environment and personal care products can play a massive role in our health. Go as natural as possible and watch the impact it has on your entire eco system, mental health included. 

8. Amp Up Your Self Care

Whether its baking/cooking, soaking in the tub, getting a massage or facial or sitting in a cafe on your own enjoying a coffee...make a list of all the things that feel good for you and do one thing off it each day!

9. Laugh, Play, Dance 

Tap into your inner child and let loose...take the pressure off yourself and lean into more FUN. It's one of the fastest ways to regulate your nervous system. How good does a good belly laugh feel? 

10. Cold Water Therapy 

Every morning I finish off my shower with cold water for around 1-2 minutes (sometimes less, sometimes more). To read up on the link between cold water therapy and mental health head here.

11. Bath In Nature 

Surrounding yourself in nature has been found to dramatically improve mood and relieve symptoms of anxiety. Go for a walk in it, sit amongst it, admire views of it....just do what you can to bath yourself in nature every day! 

12. Do Random Acts Of Kindness

Redirect your energy and take the pressure off your own thoughts and do something kind for someone else. Write a letter, text or even smile at a stranger! You never know how much it'll make someone else's day! 

13. Seek Support 

Reach out to a counsellor, psychologist, mentor, coach or whatever support system works for you. Talking about your feelings and worries is one of the fastest ways to feeling better. Don't ever be afraid to ask for help. 

14. Commit To Feeling Good

Make feeling good a priority in life. Take daily action towards this goal be consistent with it. Only you know what and how that looks for you. 

15. Live With Purpose

When you experience a lack of purpose in life, you may feel constantly bored, unfulfilled in relationships with others, dissatisfied or empty, like life has no meaning. When this happens, this is a great time to dive deeper internally, establish your values, your goals and re-discover what lights you up in life. Write it out, do a vision board, whatever feels good for you. 

Hope this has served you in some way! What one are you going to implement first?

With love,

p.s If you are ready to break free from a lifetime of anxiety and step into a healthy and happy you, my Naturally Well program is for you. 

NW is a 10-week roadmap for re-claiming your wellbeing and laying the foundations to step into the most radiant you and finally lead the life you’ve always dreamed of. 

It’s the precise strategy and method I used myself to rise up from my rock bottom - riddled with depression, anxiety, grief and disordered eating – spanning over 15 years ago. 

Enrol and gain instant access here.


*** The above is not medical advice, always speak to your health care professional about any health concerns/medications.