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You Were Born To Thrive

Oct 06, 2024

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You were born to thrive. Yes, thrive—not just survive, not just get by, but truly thrive in every sense of the word. That means living a life filled with joy, confidence, and purpose.

I know it doesn’t always feel that way, especially when life gets overwhelming, but I promise you—it’s possible. Thriving is your birthright. But here’s the catch: thriving doesn’t just happen. It’s a choice—a conscious, daily commitment to embrace your worth, honor your power, and create a life that lights you up from the inside out.

Step 1: Set Boundaries that Honor Your Joy and Energy

If there’s one thing I want you to take away from this post, it’s the importance of setting healthy, soul-affirming boundaries. If you want to thrive, this is non-negotiable. Let’s be real—you can’t pour from an empty cup. You can’t show up fully for others, your work, or even yourself if you’re constantly drained or spread too thin.

So what does setting boundaries look like? It starts with getting crystal clear on what brings you joy and what drains your energy. It means learning to say no to the things that don’t serve you or align with your values, and saying yes to yourself.

Step 2: Reflect and Reclaim Your Energy

Take a moment to reflect on your life. Where are you overextending yourself? Where are you saying ‘yes’ out of obligation, guilt, or fear of disappointing someone? Ask yourself, “Does this bring me joy? Does this align with the life I want to create?” If the answer is no, it’s time to set a boundary. Saying no with grace is an act of self-love because every time you do, you’re saying yes to your well-being and your joy.

Step 3: Live in Alignment with Your Core Values

Here’s a simple but profound tip: Start evaluating your life based on your core values. What matters most to you? Is it creativity, connection, growth, family, adventure? Whatever your values are, let them be your compass. When you live in alignment with your values, thriving becomes effortless. You’ll find that everything you do nourishes your soul.

If you’re unsure of your values, take some time to reflect and journal. What lights you up? What makes you feel alive? Once you know your values, start designing your life around them. This is how you create a life that feels good—not just on the outside, but deeply aligned and joyful on the inside.

Step 4: Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Another mindset shift I want to share is this: Stop comparing yourself to others. Comparison is the thief of joy, and when you’re constantly measuring yourself against others, you rob yourself of your own unique path. The only person you need to compare yourself to is the version of you from yesterday. Focus on your growth, your progress, and your journey.

Step 5: Know Your Worth

When you understand that you are enough just as you are, everything changes. You stop settling for relationships that drain you, jobs that don’t fulfill you, and behaviors that make you feel small. Knowing your worth means you set higher standards for your life, and you don’t apologize for them. It’s about living in alignment with your values and letting go of what doesn’t serve you.

Step 6: Stop People-Pleasing and Start Pleasing Yourself

Lastly, I want to encourage you to stop people-pleasing. You do not have to sacrifice your well-being to make others happy. Ask yourself, “What do I want? What feels right for me?” And know this—when you prioritize your joy, the right people will still be there, supporting and loving you for who you truly are.

Your Action Step for the Week

Here’s what I want you to do this week: Practice saying no. Say no to something that doesn’t align with your values. Say no to something that drains your energy. And in doing so, say yes to yourself. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but every time you set a boundary, you move closer to the life you were born to live.

Final Thoughts: Trust the Process

Remember, thriving isn’t about perfection. It’s about progress. It’s about making small, intentional choices every day that honor your joy, your peace, and your purpose. You were born to live a life full of joy, alignment, and deep fulfillment. You were born to thrive.

So go out there and live like you believe it.

Love and light,


PS. Have you been feeling stuck in a cycle of dieting and low self-esteem? I get it—I've been there too. That’s why I created the Naturally Well program, a 3-month transformative journey for women just like you. We’re diving deep into mindset, nutrition, and lasting weight loss to help you rebuild self-worth and achieve sustainable health. Ready to break free and live a life full of vitality? Book your free Connection Call to map out a game plan.