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7 Crappy Habits You Must Ditch to Skyrocket Your Health

Sep 22, 2024

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When it comes to improving our health, we often think it’s all about adding more—more workouts, more supplements, more strategies. But the truth is, some of the most profound changes come from letting go of the habits that are quietly sabotaging our progress.

I know this firsthand because I used to be trapped in these very habits, constantly wondering why I wasn’t feeling or looking the way I wanted to. Fast forward to today, and after ditching these habits, I can honestly say I feel more vibrant, energized, and radiant than ever before.

In this blog post, I’m sharing the 7 habits you need to ditch if you want to take your health to the next level. These are the same habits I kicked to the curb and now help other women let go of, too. By making these shifts, you’ll start to see transformation from the inside out.

1. Staying Up Late 

Let’s start with sleep—because it is everything. I used to stay up late thinking I was unwinding with a bit of TV or scrolling on my phone, but it was only leaving me feeling exhausted and drained. If you’re not getting enough quality sleep, it affects every part of your health, from hormones to mood to energy levels.

When I started prioritizing sleep, aiming for 7–8 hours each night, everything began to shift. Not only did I feel more energized, but I also noticed reduced bloating, fewer sugar cravings, and a clearer mind. Sleep truly is a non-negotiable—trust me on this one!

2. Doom Scrolling 

If you’ve ever fallen down the rabbit hole of social media before bed, you’re not alone! I used to doom scroll, mindlessly checking social media and getting lost in a sea of comparison. The result? Stress, negative self-talk, and sleep deprivation.

Breaking the doom scrolling habit has been huge for my mental health. Now, instead of starting or ending my day with social media, I’ve created a screen-free routine. Journaling, reading, or just sitting in quiet reflection has been far more nourishing. If you’ve been doom scrolling, it’s time to set some boundaries and protect your peace!

3. Too Much Blue Light Exposure 

Blue light from our screens can wreak havoc on our sleep cycles. I used to spend hours on my phone or laptop at night, unaware of how this was affecting my ability to wind down and get restful sleep. Blue light exposure disrupts your melatonin production and tricks your brain into thinking it’s still daytime, making it harder to fall asleep.

I made two small but effective changes that made a world of difference. First, I started wearing blue light-blocking glasses in the evening. Second, I activated night filters on my devices to shift my screens from blue light to a warmer tone as the day goes on. Combine these with cutting back on screen time before bed, and you’ll notice a significant improvement in your sleep quality.

4. Not Drinking Enough Water 

We’ve all heard the advice to drink more water, but are we actually doing it? Our bodies are over 60% water, and being dehydrated affects everything—from energy levels to digestion to skin health.

And it’s not just about drinking more—it’s about drinking better. Tap water often contains chemicals and impurities that don’t support optimal health. I switched to fresh, clean, filtered water, and when possible, I go for hydrogen water, which is packed with antioxidants. Hydration is not something to take lightly. Prioritize it, and you’ll notice the difference in how you feel and function.

5. The Food Reward Habit 

I used to fall into the food reward trap all the time. After a long, stressful day or a hard week, I’d tell myself, “I deserve this,” and reach for wine, takeout, or a whole block of chocolate. While the occasional treat is absolutely okay, I realized that using food as a reward was only leaving me feeling more sluggish, bloated, and disconnected from my health goals.

The key was finding healthier ways to reward myself—like a relaxing bath, a cup of herbal tea, or a walk outside. When I started replacing those old habits with nourishing alternatives, my energy and mood shifted dramatically. Food is fuel, and the more we align our eating habits with how we want to feel, the better.

6. Comparing Yourself to Others Online

Comparison is a joy-stealer, and I used to get caught in it all the time. Scrolling through social media, I’d see people living their "best lives" and instantly feel like I wasn’t doing enough. But here’s the thing—comparison is a trap that distracts you from your own journey.

When I stopped comparing myself to others and started focusing on my growth, my entire mindset changed. Your path is yours alone, and nobody else can walk it for you. If you find yourself caught in the comparison cycle, take a step back and remember that everyone’s journey is unique.

7. Neglecting Mental Health 

For the longest time, I thought physical health was the key to feeling good. What I didn’t realize was how deeply connected my mental health was to my overall well-being. When I began incorporating things like meditation, journaling, and overcoming limiting beliefs, my life transformed.

Mental health is not an afterthought—it’s the foundation of everything. Whether it’s talking to a therapist, practicing mindfulness, or giving yourself permission to slow down, making mental health a priority is essential for long-term wellness.

The Takeaway 

If you’re looking to elevate your health, it’s time to start by letting go of what’s holding you back. These habits might feel comfortable or familiar, but ditching them is key to unlocking your next level of wellness. Start small, make intentional changes, and watch how your body, mind, and energy transform.

Remember, it’s not about perfection—it’s about progress. You are so worthy of feeling amazing in your body and mind, and I’m here cheering you on every step of the way.

Love and light,


PS. Have you been feeling stuck in a cycle of dieting and low self-esteem? I get it—I've been there too. That’s why I created the Naturally Well program, a 3-month transformative journey for women just like you. We’re diving deep into mindset, nutrition, and lasting weight loss to help you rebuild self-worth and achieve sustainable health. Ready to break free and live a life full of vitality? Book your free Connection Call to map out a game plan.