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How To Become Wildly Wealthy & Fabulously Healthy With Melissa Ambrosini

Sep 15, 2024

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Melissa Ambrosini is a bestselling author, entrepreneur, and mindset expert who is all about helping women cultivate abundance - in both their health and wealth. If you’ve ever dreamed of living a life that’s fabulously healthy, wildly wealthy, and deeply fulfilling, this episode is a must-listen!

Here’s a breakdown of our insightful chat.

Rapid-Fire Fun
To kick things off, Melissa shared a fun rapid-fire Q&A. When asked who she’d swap lives with for a day, her answer was quick—Beyoncé! Melissa dreams of standing on stage, performing for thousands of people. But when it comes to her real life, the first thing she does each morning to stay grounded? Meditation.

Her advice for staying on top of your game? Before the chaos of the day kicks in, carve out time for yourself, whether that’s through meditation, journaling, or movement.

The Superpower of Teleportation
If Melissa could have one superpower, it would be teleportation—imagine being able to jump from your cozy home to the Greek islands in seconds and still return in time for a restful night in your own bed! This not only speaks to her love for adventure but also to the balance she maintains between thriving in her career and staying rooted in the comfort of home.

Melissa emphasizes the importance of blending personal joy with professional success, proving you can be a homebody and a globe-trotting entrepreneur at the same time.

Healing and Trusting the Journey
Melissa opened up about a recent injury—a broken ankle that forced her to slow down. While pregnant and unable to use conventional pain relief, Melissa has embraced the power of red light therapy, sleep, and self-care to heal. She’s learned an important lesson through this: trusting that everything happens for a reason, even when we can’t see it immediately.

Her story is a gentle reminder that life’s unexpected setbacks can be opportunities for growth, reflection, and deeper self-connection. It’s not about resisting those moments but embracing them with grace and trust.

From Rock Bottom to Radiance
Melissa’s journey hasn’t always been smooth. In fact, she hit rock bottom back in 2010, when a series of health and personal challenges left her feeling lost. But it was in those dark times that she discovered Louise Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life, which completely changed her mindset.

From there, Melissa made it her mission to get healthy, both physically and mentally. She studied holistic nutrition, life coaching, and meditation—and began sharing her story on her blog, long before blogging was trendy. Her authenticity attracted readers, and soon she found herself coaching, speaking, and ultimately writing bestselling books.

Mastering Wealth and Abundance
A key theme in this episode is wealth, and not just the financial kind. Melissa believes abundance is something we all deserve, but often we don’t feel worthy of it. Two of the biggest blockers? The belief that we’re not worthy and the stories we’ve been told about money. Melissa challenges us to rewrite those stories, reminding us that money is simply energy, and we have the power to attract it with the right mindset.

She also shares powerful money affirmations that have transformed her own life, such as “I am a money magnet” and “Abundance is my birthright.” These simple yet profound shifts in thought can open the door to a life that’s both prosperous and joyful.

Habits of the Wildly Wealthy and Fabulously Healthy
When it comes to creating the life you want, habits are everything. Melissa explains that daily habits must reflect your goals. If you want health and wealth, your actions need to align with those desires.

Her top five habits?

  1. Nutrition – Fuel your body with clean, organic food and water.
  2. Sleep – Prioritize high-quality rest by going to bed early.
  3. Movement – Exercise not just for physical benefits, but for mental health.
  4. Relationships – Cultivate deep connections with loved ones.
  5. Work You Love – Doing work that lights you up is crucial for your overall well-being.

Final Thoughts
This episode with Melissa Ambrosini is a powerful reminder that living an abundant life is about more than financial success. It’s about aligning your mindset, health, and relationships to create a life that truly fulfills you. Whether you’re looking to rewrite your money story, improve your health habits, or simply live with more joy and ease, Melissa offers the tools and mindset shifts you need to get there.

Links Mentioned in the Episode

Love and light,


PS. Have you been feeling stuck in a cycle of dieting and low self-esteem? I get it—I've been there too. That’s why I created the Naturally Well program, a 3-month transformative journey for women just like you. We’re diving deep into mindset, nutrition, and lasting weight loss to help you rebuild self-worth and achieve sustainable health. Ready to break free and live a life full of vitality? Book your free Strategy Call to map out a game plan.