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To Track or Not to Track – How to Navigate the World of Wellness Metrics

Sep 08, 2024

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When it comes to wellness, we live in a world where nearly everything can be measured. From food and fitness to sleep and even our menstrual cycles, there’s a tracker or app for just about everything. But is all this tracking helping us live better, or is it adding pressure to an already stressful life?

In today’s post, I’m diving into the world of tracking and sharing my own personal experience with it. Some areas of tracking have been game-changers for me, while others, well… not so much. Ultimately, it’s about finding what works for you. Tracking can provide valuable insights and guidance, but it’s important to know when it’s time to step back and trust your body’s natural rhythms.

My Journey with Tracking

I remember when I first got into tracking—specifically with fitness. I loved watching the numbers add up, seeing my progress with each step and calorie burned. It felt like I had control over my body, and I finally had a tangible way to measure my health. But over time, I started to notice a shift. Instead of tuning into how I felt, I was relying on the numbers to tell me how I should feel.

That was a real eye-opener for me. While tracking has its benefits, I realized it’s all about personal preference. Some people thrive on having that data, while for others, it can add unnecessary pressure. At the end of the day, it’s all just information. And yes, information is power, but how much do we really need to live our healthiest lives?

Let’s break it down by the different areas of tracking.

Food Tracking: Is It a Tool or a Trap?

Food tracking can be incredibly helpful, especially at the start of your wellness journey. It allows you to gain awareness of your eating habits and ensure you're fueling your body with the right nutrients. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, build muscle, or support gut health, tracking can help identify nutrient gaps and keep your portions in check. For many people, it provides the foundation they need to create a balanced, lean body and support overall health.

However, food tracking can easily become overwhelming. It’s easy to get caught up in the numbers, which can lead to obsessive behaviors, particularly if you already have food-related anxieties. If you’re constantly focused on hitting specific targets, you might lose touch with your body’s natural hunger and fullness cues, taking the joy out of eating.

My Personal Insight:
I’ve found food tracking to be really helpful, but only in short bursts. I’ll use an app like Cronometer for a few days when I feel like I need a little check-in, making sure I’m getting enough protein and staying mindful of portion sizes. But after that, I go back to intuitive eating, which is where I feel my best. It’s a tool, not a crutch, and I guide the women in my Naturally Well program to do the same—track strategically without letting it take over their lives.

Fitness Tracking: Motivating or Stressful?

Fitness tracking can be a great motivator, especially if you’re looking to increase your activity levels or hit specific fitness goals. Whether it's tracking steps, monitoring workouts, or measuring distances, having that data can help you stay accountable and see your progress over time. It’s a powerful tool for turning daily movement into a healthy habit.

But there’s a downside too. Relying too much on fitness trackers can take the joy out of movement. You might feel guilty on slower-paced days, or worse, let those numbers define your self-worth. Fitness should be about moving from a place of love, not pressure. If you’re constantly chasing metrics, it can lead to burnout or make you feel like you’re “failing” if you don’t hit your target for the day.

My Personal Insight:
I don’t use fitness trackers regularly. I’ve got markers on my runs, and I know my distances from tracking them once with an app, but that’s about it. I don’t wear an Apple Watch or fitness tracker due to concerns about EMF exposure, though I am considering an Oura ring! For me, fitness is about moving with intention, not to hit a number. But I see the benefits for those who are starting out or want to boost their daily activity.

Sleep Tracking: The Secret to Better Rest?

Sleep tracking can be a game-changer if you’re struggling with fatigue or restless nights. By monitoring your sleep patterns—such as deep sleep, REM, and wake times—you can gain valuable insights into the quality of your rest. This data can help you pinpoint areas for improvement, such as adjusting your bedtime routine or environment for better-quality sleep.

The downside is that it’s easy to become fixated on achieving “perfect” sleep metrics, which can ironically lead to stress and worse sleep quality. When you focus too much on the data, it’s easy to forget that sleep is supposed to be a restful and restorative time—not something to worry about.

My Personal Insight:
I haven’t started tracking my sleep yet, but I’m planning to explore this when I purchase an Oura ring. I do believe that information is power, especially when it comes to understanding why you’re feeling tired all the time. But again, it’s about finding balance. Use the data to guide you, but don’t let it control how you feel.

Tracking Women’s Cycles: A Big YES!

Tracking your menstrual cycle is a powerful tool for any woman. It helps you understand your body’s natural rhythms, from mood changes to energy levels to cravings. For those using it for family planning or contraception, it’s an incredible natural option. By tracking basal body temperature and other signs of ovulation, you can manage your fertility without hormones, while also gaining deeper insights into your hormonal health.

For some, tracking every detail can become overwhelming. It’s important to remember that minor fluctuations are natural, and stressing over every piece of data can cause unnecessary anxiety.

My Personal Insight:
Cycle tracking has been a game-changer for me! I’ve been doing it for over six years, using Natural Cycles daily to track my basal temperature and stay in tune with my body. It helps me understand my cravings, moods, and most importantly, I use it for contraception. As someone who’s had to manage PCOS, I celebrate my cycle every month and wouldn’t trade this knowledge for anything.

Finding Balance in Tracking

When it comes to tracking, it’s all about balance. These tools can be incredibly useful, but they should be guides, not strict rules. Sometimes, the best “tracker” is simply listening to your own body. Intuition and mindfulness can tell you a lot more about your wellness than any app or device.

Empower Yourself with Choice

Ultimately, it’s about choosing what feels right for you. If tracking helps you stay on top of your goals and feel empowered, that’s amazing! But if it starts to add stress or feel like too much, it’s okay to take a step back. You have the power to decide what works best for your body and lifestyle.

Love and light,


PS. Have you been feeling stuck in a cycle of dieting and low self-esteem? I get it—I've been there too. That’s why I created the Naturally Well program, a 3-month transformative journey for women just like you. We’re diving deep into mindset, nutrition, and lasting weight loss to help you rebuild self-worth and achieve sustainable health. Ready to break free and live a life full of vitality? Book your free Connection Call to map out a game plan.