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37 Life Lessons That Have Shaped Me – A Birthday Reflection

Aug 29, 2024

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It’s my 37th birthday, and I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate than by sharing something deeply personal and reflective with you all. 

Over the years, I’ve gathered countless lessons through my journey in health, love, personal growth, and parenting - lessons that have shaped me into the person I am today.

As I reflect on these experiences, I want to offer you the wisdom that has guided me, hoping it will inspire and empower you on your own journey.

I’ve broken down these 37 lessons into four key areas of life: 10 health lessons, 10 love lessons, 10 growth lessons, and 7 parenting lessons. Plus, because real wealth touches every aspect of our lives, I’m sharing 3 bonus lessons on wealth.

Let’s dive in!

Health Lessons

  1. Health is Wealth – Without a healthy body and mind, nothing else flows.
  2. Nourishment Over Restriction – Focus on adding nutritious foods rather than cutting everything out. Become a Qualitarian and honor your body with the best quality foods you can get your hands on.
  3. Exercise for Joy, Not Punishment – Move your body in ways that make you feel alive and joyful.
  4. Mental Health is a Priority – Your mind is just as important as your body. Regular self-care and therapy are vital.
  5. Sleep is Sacred – Prioritize quality sleep as much as you do nutrition and exercise. Rest fuels everything.
  6. Hydrate Like It’s Your Job – Water is a simple yet powerful way to keep your energy and mood stable.
  7. Your Gut is Your Second Brain – Tune into your gut health; it affects everything from digestion to emotions.
  8. Small Consistent Changes Lead to Big Results – Forget drastic overhauls; steady and sustainable wins the race.
  9. Honor Your Body’s Signals – Trust your body when it asks for rest, nourishment, or movement. Learn to listen.
  10. Detox Your Home, Detox Your Life – The environment you live in deeply affects your health. Reducing toxins in your home—from cleaning products to personal care items and skincare—can have a huge impact on your well-being. Simplifying and choosing natural options is a powerful act of self-care.

Love Lessons

  1. Love Starts With You – You can’t pour from an empty cup; self-love is the foundation of all relationships.
  2. Healthy Boundaries Are a Form of Love – Setting boundaries protects your peace and deepens connections.
  3. Vulnerability Strengthens Bonds – Being open and honest, even when it’s uncomfortable, builds real intimacy.
  4. Communication is Everything – Relationships thrive when we learn to communicate clearly and with compassion.
  5. Kindness Costs Nothing – Treating others with kindness, especially when it's hard, transforms relationships.
  6. You Deserve the Love You Give – Don't settle for less than the effort, care, and respect you offer to others.
  7. True Love is Action, Not Just Words – Consistent effort and small, meaningful actions are the backbone of love.
  8. Forgiveness is Freedom – Holding onto grudges only weighs you down; forgiveness frees you.
  9. Love is a Practice, Not a Destination – Relationships require ongoing work, presence, and intention.
  10. You Teach Others How to Love You – By loving yourself and setting standards, you show others how to love and respect you.

Growth Lessons

  1. Embrace Failure as a Teacher – Mistakes are opportunities to learn, grow, and become stronger.
  2. Growth is Uncomfortable – Stepping out of your comfort zone is where the magic happens.
  3. You Are Never Finished Growing – There’s no “end” to personal development; every day offers new lessons.
  4. Mindset Shapes Reality – Your thoughts create your reality; nurture a growth mindset to thrive.
  5. Gratitude is a Superpower – Gratitude shifts your perspective and opens your heart to more abundance.
  6. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others – Your journey is unique; honor your own path without looking sideways.
  7. Every Challenge is an Opportunity – Hardship builds resilience and reveals your strength.
  8. Stay Curious – Keep asking questions, seeking knowledge, and embracing change. Curiosity fuels growth.
  9. Trust the Process – Growth takes time; trust that every step you take is leading you where you need to be.
  10. Your Worth is Inherent, Not Earned – You are worthy of love, success, and happiness simply because you exist.

Parenting Lessons

  1. Model the Behavior You Want to See – Children learn more from what you do than what you say. Be the best role model you can for your kids, especially when it comes to health. They watch and model everything you do and eat.
  2. Connection Over Perfection – Focus on building a strong, loving bond rather than trying to be a perfect parent.
  3. Your Energy Sets the Tone – Children feel your energy, so prioritize your own well-being to create a calm, nurturing environment.
  4. Teach Resilience, Not Perfection – Let your kids see you fail and get back up. It teaches them that it’s okay to make mistakes.
  5. Presence is the Greatest Gift – Being fully present with your child, even in small moments, matters more than grand gestures.
  6. Parenting is a Partnership – Whether you’re co-parenting or parenting solo, lean on others for support and remember that it takes a village.
  7. Nurture Their Independence – Encourage your children to trust themselves, make decisions, and embrace their individuality.

Bonus Wealth Lessons

  1. Wealth Begins With Your Mindset – Your beliefs around money influence how you attract and manage it. Cultivate an abundance mindset.
  2. Invest in Yourself – Personal growth, education, and wellness are the best investments you can make—they pay dividends in all areas of life.
  3. True Wealth is Living Aligned With Your Values – Success isn’t just about money; it’s about living a life that feels rich in purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

These 37 lessons have been the guiding stars in my life, and I hope they bring light and inspiration to yours. If any of these insights resonate with you, or if you have your own lessons to share, I’d love to hear from you.

Let’s continue nurturing ourselves, staying committed to our growth, and remembering that we have the power to transform our lives.

Until next time, keep shining and live aligned with your true self.

Love and light,


PS. Have you been feeling stuck in a cycle of dieting and low self-esteem? I get it—I've been there too. That’s why I created the Naturally Well program, a 3-month transformative journey for women just like you. We’re diving deep into mindset, nutrition, and lasting weight loss to help you rebuild self-worth and achieve sustainable health. Ready to break free and live a life full of vitality? Book your free Connection Call to map out a game plan.