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How to Call in Your Dream Soul Sisters: A Blueprint for Finding Deep Friendships

Aug 12, 2024

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We all crave those deep, meaningful connections that light up our lives and support us through every twist and turn. Today, I'm sharing a blueprint to help you find your deepest friendships - your dream soul sisters.

This year, I’ve been incredibly blessed to meet my dream friends, the kind who show up for me in ways that touch my heart so deeply, they bring me to tears.

These connections didn’t happen by accident; they were the result of intention, energy, and a willingness to seek out and nurture these relationships. Now, I’m excited to share how you can do the same.

Step 1: Create a Vision for Your Ideal Friendship Circle

First things first—you’ve got to create a vision for how you want your ideal friendship circle to look and feel. Take a moment to imagine it: What’s their energy like? How do they speak and interact with you? What are their interests? How do they make you feel supported and seen? Think about how they show up and hold space for you in both the good times and the tough moments.

Consider the practical aspects too. How often are you hanging out? What’s your communication style—daily texts, voice notes, or spontaneous coffee dates? How do you navigate through challenges together? What’s your love language in these friendships? The more specific you get, the clearer your vision becomes, and the easier it will be to call in those dream connections.

Step 2: Embrace the Energy You Wish to Call In

To attract your dream friendships, you’ve got to live that energy yourself. Just like with romantic partners, like attracts like. Show up in your life as the kind of friend you want to attract. Be open, kind, curious, and full of the same love and light you’re looking for in others. This magnetic energy will naturally draw the right people into your life.

Step 3: Research Where Your Soul Sisters Are Hanging Out

Now, let’s talk about where to find these amazing soul sisters. Research where they’re likely to hang out—whether it’s yoga, pilates, breathwork classes, or maybe an ice bath session on the beach. You might find them at natural perfume-making classes, run clubs, organic farmers' markets, or even retreats and health programs. And hey, don’t forget about our amazing Naturally Well community! This is your chance to step outside your comfort zone and start 'friend dating.' Yes, it’s a thing, and it’s so important.

Step 4: Ask Your Potential Friends Out on Dates

Once you’ve found those potential soul sisters, it’s time to get brave and ask them out on dates! Start chatting, stay open, and don’t be shy about exchanging numbers. Go out and do things together—whether it’s a hike, a coffee date, or a fun class. Remember, these friend dates are just as important as romantic dates. And if someone isn’t for you, that’s okay too. Protect your energy, and don’t fall into people-pleasing. Maintain the time and space for those dreamy friends who truly resonate with you.

Step 5: Nurture Your New Friendships

Lastly, once you’ve found your soul sisters, nurture those friendships. Make time and space for them in your calendar. Reach out regularly, let them know how much you appreciate them, and be open about your big goals and dreams. See how they show up for you. Remember the quote, "Surround yourself with people who will mention your name in a room full of opportunities." Those are the kind of friends you want in your life—friends who lift you up and cheer you on.


So there you have it - 5 essential steps to find and nurture your deepest friendships.

I hope you feel inspired and ready to call in your dream soul sisters. If you loved this episode, please take a moment to leave a quick review on Apple Podcasts - it helps us reach even more amazing people like you.

Until next time, keep shining, and remember, the right friendships are out there waiting for you!

Love and light,


PS. Have you been feeling stuck in a cycle of dieting and low self-esteem? I get it—I've been there too. That’s why I created the Naturally Well program, a 3-month transformative journey for women just like you. We’re diving deep into mindset, nutrition, and lasting weight loss to help you rebuild self-worth and achieve sustainable health. Ready to break free and live a life full of vitality? Book your free Connection Call to map out a game plan.