9 Secrets to Avoid Overeating and Food Guilt on Weekends
Jul 03, 2024(Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen to your podcasts)
Today, we’re diving into a topic that resonates with so many of us: how to avoid overeating and food guilt on weekends, holidays, and during social events.
Secret #1: Get Intentional First up, get intentional about your weekends. Take a moment to envision your ideal weekend. How do you want it to look and feel? Think about the foods you want to nourish yourself with and how you wish to feel in your clothes and inside your mind and body when you wake up each day. Consider who you want to spend time with and the types of habits and rituals you'd like to incorporate. Tony Robbins says, "Energy flows where attention goes." To achieve what you truly desire, you need a clear goal with purpose and meaning. When you focus your energy on your goal, amazing things happen.
Secret #2: Get Organized Once you have your intentions set, it's time to get organized. Preparation is key. Stock your pantry and fridge with delicious, healthy meals and snacks. Fill your water jugs, plan friend catch-ups for hikes, set your alarm to get up earlier and journal, and schedule your workouts. Being prepared helps you stay on track and supports your intentions.
Secret #3: Break the Chain Next, break the chain of old beliefs and generational stories. Identify any narratives like "weekends aren’t for workouts," "weekends are for being lazy," or "weekends are for drinking excessively." Challenge these beliefs and create new, positive ones that align with your goals. Your weekends can be filled with healthy activities and choices.
Secret #4: Forecast Ahead to That Feeling When you're in the moment, forecast ahead to how you want to feel afterward. Think about how you’ll feel after eating the cake or having that 15th cocktail versus how you’ll feel after a run, a hike, or enjoying a delicious homemade pizza instead of takeout. Visualizing the positive outcome of your healthy choices can motivate you to stick to them.
Secret #5: Mindful Alternatives This one is probably my favorite. Let’s say you’re craving nachos and wine. That’s a lot of calories in one sitting. Can you make a healthier version that still tastes amazing? If the healthier version satisfies your craving, go for it and enjoy your wine in moderation. But if there’s a noticeable difference, have the original version, enjoy it mindfully and slowly, then move on. The key is to choose wisely and avoid wasting calories on something that doesn’t satisfy you.
Secret #6: Learn the Art of Balance Learning the art of balance is crucial. Often, we use the word "balance" as an excuse to overeat and adopt a YOLO attitude, leading to guilt and weight gain. The key is to choose wisely, savor your food, and know when to stop. How amazing are those first few bites compared to the 68th bite? Enjoy your treats without guilt and move on.
Secret #7: Unsubscribe From The Clean Plate Club Aim to eat until you are 80% full. Practice eating slowly, using the 20:20 rule: take 20 minutes to finish a meal and chew each mouthful at least 20 times. It's okay to leave food on your plate. Be mindful when eating out, as portions are often larger than necessary. Recognize that restaurants serve large meals to encourage return customers.
Secret #8: Quit the 'I've Done It Now, I May As Well Keep Going' Attitude You know the attitude: "I've eaten the cake, I may as well continue to binge until Monday." Nope, we’re not doing that here. Find gratitude in that piece of cake or delicious dinner, then return to your healthy habits. Enjoy herbal tea, water, nourishing meals, go for a walk, or work out. Balance indulgence with healthy actions.
Secret #9: Stay Active Finally, stay active! Movement is essential for maintaining a balanced body and mind. Incorporate regular physical activity into your weekends. Whether it’s a hike, a yoga session, or a fun workout, staying active helps you feel good and keeps your wellness goals on track.
Remember, it’s all about setting clear intentions, staying organized, breaking old habits, and maintaining balance. I hope these tips help you enjoy your weekends without the guilt.
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Love and light,
PS. Have you been feeling stuck in a cycle of dieting and low self-esteem? I get it—I've been there too. That’s why I created the Naturally Well program, a 3-month transformative journey for women just like you. We’re diving deep into mindset, nutrition, and identity integration to help you rebuild self-worth and achieve sustainable health. Ready to break free and live a life full of vitality? Head over to my Instagram @hayley_morcom and let me know you'd like to apply.