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35 Simple Health Habits That Will Literally Rock Your Wellness World

Sep 07, 2022

I turned 35 recently and as part of my reflection I do each birthday I constructed a list of all the things I have been doing daily for years now that have dramatically pushed the needle forward in my health. 

And lucky you, I am dishing it straight up for you below so you too can incorporate into your life too so you can upgrade your flight straight into epic health town!

  1. Take a holistic approach to your health – ditch the lifetime of dieting, plans, unsustainable fads etc
  2. Explore natural therapies: acupuncture, reiki, kinesiology, naturopathic care, chiropractic, herbal tonics, plant medicine, naturally sourced supplementation etc
  3. Reduce toxins as much as possible
  4. Eat as natural, whole and fresh as you can – fruits, vegetables, quality proteins, nuts, seeds, grains, legumes. Green-ify at every meal. Reduce sugars, processed foods and balance alcohol consumption. Keep it simple!
  5. Have fun with your food – overcome your food fear
  6. Cook/bake with LOVE
  7. Stock your pantry/fridge with high vibrational foods
  8. Listen to your gut/intuition and finish when you’re 80% full
  9. Drink plenty of fresh filtered water
  10. Take your sleep seriously - notch up at least 7-8 hours each night
  11. Start your day with tongue scraping, oil pulling, and dry body brushing
  12. Empower your shower
  13. Upgrade your shower with a filter (the water that goes on you is just as important as the water you drink) – hello glowing healthy skin!
  14. Befriend essential oils – cook with them, ingest them, diffuse them.
  15. Turn your home into a wellness haven: open windows and doors, sage often, diffuse oils
  16. Set boundaries around your purchases: local, low tox, organic, believe in their ethos
  17. Make a self-care list and do one thing off it daily
  18. Listen to podcasts instead of the radio/news
  19. Read each day – the fastest way to improve your knowledge – take notes of what you learned and keep it in a designated book of life learnings. Show it to your kids one day!   
  20. Tell someone you love them every day (what goes around comes around)
  21. Do random acts of kindness whenever you think of it
  22. Make a vision board
  23. Move your body from a place of love
  24. Take a magnesium salt bath
  25. Sweat it out in an infrared sauna
  26. Meditate/breathe for eternal peace and patience
  27. Radiate your energy wherever you go – smile at a stranger!
  28. Journal your thoughts, turn around your self-limiting beliefs and thoughts – repeat repeat repeat!
  29. Play, dance, laugh, be present daily (get down on your kids level and play!)
  30. Get out in nature each and every day
  31. Speak your truth – don’t bottle it up
  32. Get to know your triggers and patterns and be aware of them – awareness is everything!
  33. Create a supportive network of friends, business chicks, sisters/aunts…people that just get you and set up regular communication with them – we love the app Voxer!
  34. Express your sensuality – have amazing connected and soulful sex - with yourself or with a partner (a large part of your being is expressed through your sexuality)
  35. Dream big, manifest whatever the heck you want in this life. Believe the universe had your back and just go get it. Don’t stop.

And lastly as a little bonus extra ALL things with LOVE. Live, think, speak, share, move, eat...everything! Knock fear to the curb and welcome more love into your world. What goes around comes around!

With love and light,