Work with me

25 Positive Affirmations for Healthier Living

Jan 08, 2023


Hello beautiful, 

I was teaching a Workplace Wellness Workshop recently and one of the participants asked a great question...she pulled a card from a Gabrielle Bernstein card deck I take along to each workshop and she wasn't sure what it meant. 

It read 'feeling good will bring me far more than whatever I thought I needed' 

I explained that feeling good and choosing to think and believe in an elevated and positive state is the foundation for literally everything you desire in life. 

Whether you want to attract more money into your life, step into your dream body, heal your relationship with food, attract love, improve relationships first have to focus on the energy and vibration you are radiating. 

Being shackled to a diet and exercise plan while walking around hating your body and looking at life with a 'glass half empty' mindset will never get you to where you need to be. 

Or the results you might get clutching ahold of your plan will only be short lived and will most likely end up in self sabotage. 

We have around 6,000 thoughts a day. It's a lot hey! Imagine how many of those you are carrying around and repeating daily that are blocking you from your goals? 

Working with positive affirmations and journaling them daily has been known to dramatically improve your thoughts and positivity. The key? Consistency! Just like those negative thoughts, the goal is to start ingraining new ones as replacements, and that takes time and repetition. 

Write out these affirmations everyday for at least 30 days and witness a shift in your thoughts...and your health! 

Want to elevate your results even quicker? Set your favourite ones as reminders on your phone to go off throughout the day, print this list and stick it somewhere visible, say them aloud...just repeat wherever and whenever you can! 

25 Positive Affirmations for Healthier Living 

1. I am worthy of feeling good

2. I make powerful food choices 

3. I consistently make positive choices for my health 

4. It's good to feel good 

5. I love and accept myself wholly and completely 

6. I listen to what my body needs 

7. True vitality and health is available to me now

8. My body is balanced and healthy 

9. I choose to nourish my body from a place of love and admiration for myself 

10. I invest time nurturing my mind, body & soul

11. I enjoy moving my body every day 

12. I prioritise time for my health 

13. I love my food, my food loves me 

14. I am ready to receive abundant health 

15. I honour how I wish to feel 

16. I choose nutritious food that fuels my body 

17. I am open to new beliefs around my health  

18. I choose to move my body in some way everyday 

19. I am safe to step into the best version of me

20. I am grateful for my strong body 

21. My body and health is the best investment I can make

22. I am a work in progress towards my desires 

23. The best is yet to come 

24. Good health is on the way for me, I am ready to claim it

25. I release negative thoughts about myself and create space for empowering positive thoughts 

Need more? Purchase Naturally Nourished Cook Book for your free Food Affirmation poster all ready for you to hang up in your home. Click here to purchase. 

Jump over onto Instagram or Facebook and tell me how you are going with your daily affirmation practice, I'd love to hear your transformation stories. 

All my love, 

P.S Are you ready to nourish your body with real, fresh, whole foods that your body will love you back? Naturally Nourished is the essential cookbook you need in your life to inspire and educate you towards a healthier lifestyle. Click here to learn more. 

Or up level your health and claim true vitality with my most popular 10-Week Naturally Well program. Head here to enrol now.