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10 Tips To Start Implementing Now To Feel Vibrant and Healthy for Spring

Aug 11, 2021

I woke up this morning and did a little happy dance when I realised we are only a few weeks away from Spring. Hella-fricking-lujah! 

This winter has kicked out tooshes to say the least...hands up if you agree!

A lack of Vitamin D, brutally cold days and nights, too much time spent indoors sitting and not moving, and lockdown thrown in the mix has really left a-lot of us deflated and de-motivated. 

Picture this. It's mid October, the first warm day is upon us. It's 29 degrees. The sun is kissing our skin, our hormones are throwing a party and rising to the occasion, people are smiling and laughing, we are venturing out with less layers on and spending hours upon hours just being outdoors. How good does that vision already feel?

Now envision how you feel within your body. You feel energetic, light in your digestion, lean in your body, your skin is glowing, you feel radiant in your jeans and t-shirt, you reach for beautifully nourishing foods because you feel so goddamn good! 

Sounds dreamy huh? 

Starting to take action when this feel good weather hits is unfortunately already too late. You end up spending all of Spring and Summer trying to claim that health status. By the time you get there we are back to the season of flannelette pjs and ugg boots. 

This is why NOW is the time to start taking action and being proactive in your health, so when this divine sunshine does grace us...well, whip out those dresses and shorts with confidence girlfriend! *insert another happy dance here. 

Below are 10 simple and easy tips you can start implementing now to feel vibrant and healthy come Spring/Summer. You can pluck out a few and slowly add more in as you go or dive right in and do them all, the choice is yours lovely. 

1. Whole foods baby! This means upping your intake of fresh, in-season fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, healthy fats and whole grains. Ditch anything in a packet, ultra processed, take-away and loaded with nasties. Opt for more homemade meals using beautiful quality ingredients. Just this one alone is going to get you well on the road to healthy-town.

2.  Hydrate with clean filtered water. Up to 60% of the human adult body is made up of water so its vital we continually fuel our body with H20 to maintain optimal health. Sometimes we jump straight to the complicated and overwhelming elements of improving our health, when something as simple as increasing your water intake can have profound results on your health. Psst if you are looking to drop weight, drinking more water is where its at. 

3. Move your beautiful body. Get out in nature, stretch to yoga, take up pilates, strap not the ankle weights and move to one of my signature HM workouts, turn some work meetings into walking phones ones, dance, play...just move more. We are currently leading a very sedentary life and the truth is we simply need to offset a lot of it with more movement. Experts are now saying the most toxic thing for our health is sitting for long periods of time. 

4. Get you z's in. Yep sleep baby! Aim for 7-8 hours per night and make them count. I'm talking turn the TV off, put your phone down and get to bed early for the sake of your health and results. One crappy night's sleep can lead to higher rates of anxiety, binge eating/over eating, excessive sugar and alcohol consumption and can stunt your weight loss efforts. 

5. Make a Vision Board. These beauties are so EFFECTIVE in raising your mood, your mindset and will continue to inject you with all the feels to stay focused towards your goals. For the purpose of this topic you could pop photos and images of beaches, outdoor activities, favourite summer outfits, friends laughing etc. I take you through a step by step guide inside Module 1 of the Naturally Well program. Enrol here to gain instant access (and don't forget to use the code INTRO to get an incredible 40% off).

6. Do the internal work. Ever wondered why you can't quite reach those goals, lose motivation or reach them and then lose it again (hello self sabotage)? There might be some deep rooted beliefs/emotional baggage here we need to work through. Refer to module 1,2 and 4 to the program.

7. Buy that feel good outfit. Hang it up where you can see if for all the feels and inspiration whenever you walk past it.

8. Breathe. Another simple one here but one most often overlooked. Chances are you are shallow breathing Unclench your jaw, drop your shoulders and take 3 deep juicy breathes. Nervous system reset! How amazing did that feel? Do it every time you catch yourself shallow breathing today.

9. Reduce your toxin load. To put it simply our bodies aren't designed to have nasties, chemicals and toxins continually going IN or ON our bodies. It wreaks havoc on our hormones, digestion and mood. What you put on your body is just as vital as the food you eat (our skin is our largest organ and can absorb toxins straight into our blood stream). Your body will spend less time trying to process these nasties and more time getting to the things to aid your health...yep even weight loss. 

10. Surround yourself with all the goodness. Snacks, nourishing meals, supplements (greens power etc), a home filtration water system, exercise equipment, inspiring workout gear etc. Whatever you surround yourself with regularly you are more likely to reach for it or do it. Scan around your home...does it represent health or is it hindering your efforts? Ditch anything that is harbouring your efforts. Dust off those hand weights and pop them somewhere you'll see them, lay out that outfit the night before and have that lemon sitting on the bench ready for the morning. 

How did you find these lovely? Not so overwhelming huh? All are so simple and easy to implement. 

Are you ready to fast track those results before we roll into September 1? You might want to get started here right away. 

Sending love and light,